
WordSmart (monthly copy development, your way)

You know great words make a difference, but your in-house skills are not pitch-perfect, and you don’t have the £££ to outsource your copywriting. It's a common scenario, and one my WordSmart service resolves.

Instead of starting from scratch, let me improve your existing marketing words in bite-size chunks, month by month. Copy-editing, refreshing, and guiding, you get my experienced eyes (and brain) on your copy without the bespoke price tag.

Our agenda is yours to create (with my guidance thrown in). The result? You develop your marketing copy for a comfortable monthly budget. And page by page, your words deliver more muscle for your business.

Interested (even a little bit)?

How WordSmart works

  1. You get 8 hours of my time each month

I improve your copy from *exactly* where it is now (using 20+ years’ experience of planning and writing everything possible for countless business sectors). 

Tailored to your needs, I help you perfect what you already have. For example:

  • Improve your existing website copy
  • Refresh existing content copy
  • Revamp your marketing emails

I can also support your customer research, strategic planning, and in-house skills. For example:

  • Better understand your audience
  • Improve your content plan and topic ideas
  • Refine your in-house copywriting skills 
  1. We agree monthly priorities 

Don’t worry, I’m here to guide your plans so you get the best results from my time. By sticking to our jointly created plan, I make it happen while you get on with running your business.

  1. You get a weekly update

You’re always in the know, as I update you every Friday morning. You can, of course, email me whenever you want. Then, it’s back to planning next month’s priorities (having a quick Teams catch-up if that suits you).


My WordSmart fee is £640.00+VAT per month (minimum contract 3 months).

Whether you’re a solo business, or much larger, WordSmart can add oomph to your marketing copy, month by month.


Want to improve your words on a budget?

Questions you might have

What copy can you improve as part of WordSmart?

You can ask me to improve any marketing copy you have in action. Alongside typical formats like website copy, email copy, and content (such as articles and eBooks), I can help enhance your:

  • Sales letters
  • Presentations
  • Brochure and flyer copy
  • Social media content
  • Video scripts
  • LinkedIn profiles

Since 2000, I've helped countless businesses communicate better. This has included every type of marketing copy you can think of. Even WhatsApp messages!

Can WordSmart give us more than 8 hours a month?

Subject to my capacity, I can offer a WordSmart package from 8 to 16 hours per month (the latter is equivalent to half a day a week). You can also front-weight our partnership by having more hours for the first three months before dropping back in the next quarter.

I don’t recommend having less than 8 hours a month. The more I can get under the bonnet of your business, the more you'll gain.

Can we roll WordSmart hours into the following month?

Given we'll plan your monthly priorities together, the need to do this is unlikely. However, things can change and I like my support to be flexible. So, in any six-month period, I'm happy to roll up to 50% of one month's allowance into the following month (subject to my capacity).

When will you invoice us?

WordSmart is simple and transparent. You'll receive an invoice for one month's support on the first day of each month (payable within seven days). If you want to discuss a different arrangement, please mention this when we're setting everything up.

How long do we commit to WordSmart for?

From the outset, my minimum contract for WordSmart is three months. This is because I want you to enjoy some meaningful results. And with the best will in the world, this requires more than an eight-hour partnership.

That said, my contract has a 30-day notice clause (for both of us) should you not be happy with the arrangement.

After three months, you can opt for a rolling three-month contract, always with a 30-day notice clause. I've had clients I've supported every month for many years.