Around the globe, marketing managers and business owners share an ever-demanding problem: how to create sufficient high-quality content.
What if you’re missing a trick?
Around the globe, marketing managers and business owners share an ever-demanding problem: how to create sufficient high-quality content.
What if you’re missing a trick?
When it comes to communicating, every business sector has challenges. None more so than software and tech. Believe me, I know. First-hand.
In this article, I unpack three humongous errors I see too often when working in this sector. Overcome them and your software business will thank you.
Because after all, having your email opened AND read is what you want, isn’t it? If they then DO something, better still.
Research suggests businesspeople receive 121 emails daily. Whatever the figure, it’s a lot.
Will they open every email? Of course not. Do you? That’s why subject lines matter so much. Let’s help yours achieve higher open rates.
Your website is your 24/7 salesperson. Great, we all need one of those. But are they doing their best for you?
Revamping your website copy can feel daunting. Those words aren’t just filling space, they’re motivating people to do something.
It’s never a five-minute job. Not even a five-hour job. So, here are five simple pointers to help you focus your effort.
Good question. And one I’m going to help you get your head round in this article.
It’s a term increasingly used by marketing teams – even in B2B businesses. That’s because more and more B2Bs are taking down their guard and coming across, well, more human.
Should you?
Customer stories are jewels in your marketing armour. They explain, they influence, they build trust. Yet, creating them takes investment and effort. So, be sure to get them in front of as many prospects as possible.
Copywriters LOVE questions. Not just asking them but sprinkling them in copy too.
I want to unpack more about using questions in business copy and provide some tips to make it work for you.
2020 hampered many things. It also accelerated countless others. Throw it all in the pot and we’re in the middle of rapid change – however you look at it.
So, where does this leave copywriting?
What with video marketing exploding, the march (race) of Artificial Intelligence, and attention spans plummeting, should I just pack my pencils away now?
I don’t think so.
I hope I’ve not just taken you back to your English lessons. It wasn’t my intention. I try not to get too hung up on jargon – there’s more to life. But this one is worth your attention because it can make a real difference to your business copy. So, I’ll explain in a (hopefully) pain-free way.
There’s certainly no shortage of content these days. But there is a shortage of good content.
And for many businesses, it’s a little hit and miss when time allows. So, how about creating a focused plan and a productive habit that’ll help your audience like and trust you?